Sunday, March 22, 2009

Baby Kylie

Here is Sweet Baby Kylie's full blog post with've gotta enjoy the sneak peek then scroll down to the bottom for the slideshow!
We are so excited for Chris & Tisha & were so blessed to get to spend time with them (after WAY too long) & meet Kylie.

Chris & Tisha became parents quite faster than they expected. Catching up on a bit of light reading. :)
Isn't she absolutely beautiful? She makes great faces too!

Adorable parents!

They were cracking me up with this book!! Chris informed me that "What a Beautiful World" is a book you sing not read. But for some reason he wouldn't sing it to us!

Kylie's room is so cute! Lots of ladybugs.
I love this book. And it's so fitting for Kylie-about a little girl who was adopted.

We had so much fun with you guys, even if we didn't get to have bagel breakfast.Chris, Tisha, & Kylie-we love you so much & wish we were closer.
Thank you for letting us come hang out. We can't wait to do it again.
Enjoy your slideshow!
Love, Wesley & Denise

1 comment:

Tina said...

Very sweet photos. I love the one with the stack of books. The books are helpful, but I learned real quick to not go by a book because every baby is different. Go with your baby's flow. Let them call the shots. Your parenting instinct will kick in and it will just come natural. Hum, maybe that's why my kids feel like they rule the roost. Maybe I should have read more books....
Congratulations to the new parents!