Monday, December 1, 2008

Mr. & Mrs. Miller-Sneak Peek

On Friday, our dear friend Lindsey married Ryan-the man of her dreams.
I can't even tell you how much Lindsey means to us and I am so happy that she is so happy.
Lindsey & Ryan had a private ceremony in Morrison, Tennessee, then celebrated with a great group of friends and family at her parents' home.
Brittany & I had enjoyed spending the day with this beautiful couple and their families.
Here's a little sneak peek to tide you over until I can get them all edited.
Please click HERE to register to view the images when they are available.

Ryan and the guys (his dad, uncle, and Lindsey's brothers) went quail hunting the morning of the wedding.
It was very fitting that the groom was the only one who got anything!
Lindsey had a few helpers getting her ready.
I don't know that I have ever seen a more beautiful bride.

Lindsey & Ryan decided to see each other before the wedding so they could go visit her grandfather between the wedding & reception.
This picture really makes me smile.

This was THE sweetest moment I have ever witnessed.
Ryan looked at Lindsey and said, "Be still, I want to look at you," and then he walked all the way around her just taking in her beauty.
Everybody say, "Awwww." :)
My favorite.

Between the wedding & reception, Ryan decided he needed to get some gas. Totally a first for my weddings! I LOVE it!
(Don't worry, Lindsey didn't really pump the gas-but we had to have a little shoot at the gas station in a wedding dress!)

Sweet moment-caught by Brittany.

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